Make New Friends in Teignmouth (51186)

Meet People in Teignmouth

Female, age 55 years old
I live in Teignmouth, Devon ( United Kingdom )
I’m looking for new friends aged between 18-45 years old
I’m looking for friends for
Brief Description of Stephanie
“ Hey! I've recently moved to Devon from London and would like to meet some new friends in this area.I moved here a little while ago - but my job was so hectic that I just haven't have a chance to meet any new people. Thankfully that has calmed down now - so I can get out and start having some fun again!I like to go shopping, get a coffee, have a natter, sit in with friends, or go out for a night out, I'm pretty easy going.I can be a little bit quiet in the beginning, but that's because I can be a bit shy, but I'm good fun when I get to know people a little better. ”
More about Stephanie
Family Status : Attached
Employment : Employed
My Profession : Accounting
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