Make New Friends in Newry (68241)

Meet People in Newry

Female, age 49 years old
I live in Newry, County Armagh ( United Kingdom )
I’m looking for new friends aged between 18-99 years old
I’m looking for friends for
Brief Description of Elaine
“ Hi, I'm Elaine, I've just moved over here from England with my fianc'» who's from Gilford. My Dad's family are from round this area but they all have children so are pretty busy! I work from home and travel Ireland and NI all week for work and although I meet great people all over the place because of this I haven't had a chance to meet any friends locally.I like comedy clubs, pubs, bars, and having fun, I love entertaining, we're having a big party next weekend and my friends from England are coming, but then they have to go home again :( So looking for fun new friends I can entertain here along with my fianc'». I'm very happily attached so am only looking for friends, so none of that funny business ;-pLook forward to hearing from you all and making new memories ”
More about Elaine
Family Status : Attached
Employment : Employed
My Profession : Other
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