“ Hi :-)Just moved here and would be great to meet some people as I have resorted to talking to myself! haha Well I don't exactly follow everything to do with what society tells me to do. I live very simply and have strong views on the modern world we live today. Don't even get me started on the TV and media.....BRAINWASHED! I'm what I guess people would call a free spirit and at nearly 34 I just want to have the simple life, eat good healthy food, take care of myself, work just to survive and travel, do my hobbies and hopefully get to meet like minded people along the way. I am not a big drinker, I love the natural waaaay :-) heheI love things like surfing, walking, cycling and anything outdoorsy and fun. I don't really go out and get pissed....that is just empty to me and I get more satisfaction from other things! That's not to say I won't go for a dance to some decent music or a festival. Watching local bands is cool too.If any like minded people are about then get in touch as I would love to make new friends! ”